Solidarity with Ansell workers globally

Saturday, 11 December 2021 - 9:00am to 9:30am

News and labour updates from the Asia Pacific region.

Excerpts of speeches from the trade union solidarity rally in Melbourne, Australia, outside the headquarters of Ansell. Ansell is a global manufacturing company which has made huge profits in the last couple of years as it is the world's major supplier of PPE products. Ansell is also a vicious union buster and user of bonded labour in its factories.

Asia Pacific Currents provides updates of labour struggles and campaigns from the Asia Pacific region. It is produced by Australia Asia Worker Links, in the studio of 3CR Radio in Melbourne, Australia

Note: The podcasts for the previous three weeks will be made available in the next couple of weeks. Thank you for your patience

Saturday 9:00am to 9:30am
Stories and issues from the Asia Pacific region with a labour and grassroots perspective. Regular interviews with activists from countries in the Asia Pacific region. Produced by Australia-Asia Worker Links.


Australia Asia Worker Links
