Police brutality, refugee human rights and women in prison

Monday, 11 December 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
First we spoke with Jasmine Ali from Black Lives Matter about a solidarity event that is being planed on Sunday, in response to police brutality that happened at the 
the Milo Yiannopoulos event outside the  Melbourne Pavilion on Monday 4th December which attracted white-nationalist street gangs such as the True Blue Crew, the neo-nazi Soldiers of Odin group and convicted racial vilifier Neil Erickson who was arrested by police soon after he arrived. Then we spoke with Chris Breen from the Refugee Action Collective who gave a reportback on the Human rights day refugee rally on Sunday 10 December at the state

Refugee rights supporters will be rallied  at the State Library in Melbourne to call on the Turnbull government to end the offshore cruelty of Manus and Nauru, and bring the refugees home to Australia. Then we interviewed Vicky Roach Aboriginal activist, about her lived experience of prison. We discussed a new report that was compiled by the Human rights Law centre, about