Banning of penpals in Victorian prisons, Sydney event regarding Aboriginal women who have died in custody

Monday, 30 April 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


Marisa spoke with Tyrone from the Federation of Community Legal centers about an open letter that was written by the Federation 
on the banning of pen pal communications in Victorian prisons, by Corrections. Marisa and Tyrone discussed the Victorian Charter of Human rights and Responsibility, and how this pertains to the violation of human rights of written communication. Tyrone also talked about the traumatic effects that the  banning is having on First Nations people, and Transgender communities. He talked about  general issues in regards to all prisoners. An event was also advertised for the 10 of May, about racialised communities, organised by the Federation.
Marisa then spoke with Pauline Klagu, first Nations woman, academic and artist about a very special event coming up this month, during Reconciliation Week. She discussed in detail this event, which is      Telling the 'untold story of Aboriginal women deaths in custody through art.
Four Indigenous creatives and academics, Professor Larissa Behrendt, Assoc Professor Pauline Clague, Dr Lou Bennett, and Dr Romaine Moreton, have worked with community to re-voice the stories of Aboriginal women who have created a  cell block. In particular Pauline talked about the making of a beautiful Possum skin Cloak which will be wrapped around the women who have died in custody,  through audio and visual  effects, citing many, many issues. 

The installation will be officially launched on the 30th May, during Reconciliation Week with the exhibition open to the public from the 31st May - 10th June at Boomalli Co-operative, 55-59 Flood Street, Leichardt in Sydney. There will also be a panel on the 31st May focusing on the issue of escalating numbers of Aboriginal women in custody.