Creatures of the Industry | 3CR Community Radio

Creatures of the Industry

A project by the Concrete Gang, recording the history of the building and construction industry in Melbourne since the 1960s, as remembered by those who built this city and helped establish the industrial landscape we work in today.


Ralph Edwards


Creatures of the Industry

About Creatures of the Industry

 Previous Concrete Gang programmer Ralph 'Warren' Edwards presents: Creatures of the Industry, an ongoing series of oral history interviews with the people that made the building and construction industry in Melbourne and Regional Victoria since the 1960s. 

 The COTI podcasts, which began as a summer special in late 2021, are sponsored by the Concrete Gang in cooperation with 3CR Community Radio.

 Send us an email or sign up for updates: creaturesoftheindustry@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)

 Produced by Karina Aedo-Aguilera.