Anthony Kelly executive officer from the Flemington/Kensington Legal Service | Josh Cullinan secretary of the new Retail and Fast Workers Union | Owen Bennett president from the Australian Unemployed Workers Union | 3CR Community Radio

Anthony Kelly executive officer from the Flemington/Kensington Legal Service | Josh Cullinan secretary of the new Retail and Fast Workers Union | Owen Bennett president from the Australian Unemployed Workers Union

Friday, 25 November 2016 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Introduction to the program, discussion about the latest headlines in the news; The Greens proposal for the sugar tax, Peter Dutton's comments about Lebanese Australians.

Interview with Anthony Kelly executive officer from the Flemington/Kensington Legal Service discussing the racialised nature on the reporting from the Herald Sun about the supposed crime youth wave and some commentary on the transfer of 40 teenagers into a
n adult jail along with promotion of an upcoming forum in December hosted by Flemington/Kensington Legal Service. Listen here.

International news from Green Left Weekly a discussion about the pro-democracy rallies in Malaysia that happened last weekend and a report on the protest against the burial of a dictator in the Philippines.

Interview with Josh Cullinan secretary of the new Retail and Fast Workers union discussing the formation of the new union. Listen here.

Activist calendar

Interview with Owen Bennett president from the unemployment union discussing the job agency crisis and the punitive practices of job network agencies. Listen here.

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Radio Collective
