Cashless welfare cards : protect your rights and fight back
Over The Wall Ep 7: Adam Bandt Greens MP discusses cashless welfare cards
There are large regional areas in most states of Australia already being forced to use Centrelink cashless welfare cards. Examples of areas in trial phases one two and three include: New England NSW, Goldfields WA, East Kimberley, Ceduna SA, areas in Northern Territory. The list of places is too long to list fully in this introduction. There are already a huge number of group sites set up on Facebook to oppose trials of the cashless card in their areas.
Just do a Facebook search for NO CASHLESS WELFARE CARD AUSTRALIA and No WELFARE CARD and you will see heaps of local community memebrs- local people vocally opposing the impact of cashless cards in their areas of Australia.
The Cashless cards quarantine 80% of benefits for the cashless cards.
The cards are rolled out universally to all welfare recipients in trial areas. The assumption by the government is put everyone on welfare on cashless cards- to stop social issues. This is discrimantory- as the cashless welfare card impacts all people on welfare in trial areas, regardless of whether they have an issue with income management.
Over the Wall on 3CR is glad to speak to Greens Senator Adam Bandt to gain his insights into the cashless welfare card.
Related Facebook Campaigns on Cashless Welfare Card:
No Cashless Welfare Card Australia
No welfare Card South Australia
Say No to Cashless Welfare Cards NSW
No Cashless Welfare Debit Card Victoria
Say NO to the welfare debit card Ceduna
Say NO to WElfare Debit Card Perth
Cashless Welfare Card Say No
No Cashless Welfare Card Townsville
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