Salaam Mohamed Hassan !

Sunday, 17 December 2023 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm
demolition of public housing Victoria

On today’s show we have @fotzroyking who’s been working as a youth/ community engagement worker in Fitzroy Atherton Garden for the past six years and a member of Yarra resident voice group for the last three years. 

As the situation in Palestine gets worse by the day, we are all in deep state of grief and anger at how our government is behaving. The complicity of our government in endorsing genocide, the ethnic cleansing and displacement of colonised/occupied communities is outrageous and is not restricted to foreign affairs, it is continuously happening here in so called Australia to our indigenous population and marginalised communities. Most recently Labour government has announced it will demolish 44 public housing towers and replace them with private and ‘social’ housing that will wipe out public housing and green open space in the estates. This will benefit big developper$ and push diverse communities out of Melbourne. We will touch on this topic this afternoon and invite you to join the rally against this decision on the 23rd of Dec behind 140 Brunswick St tower near the basketball court. In between we will be playing some tunes which are played and enjoyed by residents at Fitzroy Atherton Garden. 

Sunday 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Playing new music from the Greater Middle East and beyond; uniting artists, transcending borders, and telling the stories behind emerging music from around the world.


