Joe Toscano & Pat Khor
Talkback With Attitude: waiting patiently for your call
Every Thursday
Chew the fat. Spit the dummy. Laugh out loud.
Talkback with Attitude, is radio that brings people together for a chat, a chuckle, or a gripe. Share news and events from the street, and compare notes on this crazy world.
Don't sit alone, inundated by the bad news dished out by the media. Bounce your comments, questions, stories, announcements and attitudes around with your hosts, Pat and Joe. Their combined 60 years of experience in radio's current affairs, arts, sports, health and politics, means you will always get a lively response to whatever is on your mind.
Shy about speaking on live radio? Text us during the hour, and we'll respond on-air.
Pat Khor (Panel Operator): active, concerned, inquisitive current affairs junky. Pat keeps the show friendly and fun.
Joe Toscano (also on Anarchist World, and Radical Australia): a walking encyclopaedia of alternative history, and sharp critic of our public institutions. Joe welcomes all-comers.
MTL (Mandy The Librarian, Producer): mousy librarian or jet-setting friend to the billionaire class? Few have pierced the mystique surrounding MTL.
G.O.D. (Goddess of Dawn): she's probably had a long night, ensuring the new day starts on time, so treat her with the respect due to a goddess when she takes your calls.
Our callers and listeners make this show! Phone us, Thursdays, 10:00 - 10:55 am. Increase your chances of getting on air by phoning at the beginning of the hour.
We look forward to hearing from you!