Traveling the world & maybe even your suburb by bike | 3CR Community Radio

Traveling the world & maybe even your suburb by bike

Monday, 20 June 2016 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Anna and Mateusz Emeschajmer and Spokey Blokeys

Anna and Mateusz Emeschajmer and Spokey Blokeys

On this weeks show: Chris discusses the topic on virtually everyones lips & social media: who is the Boulie tacker(link is external)? Guests include Anna & Mateusz Emeschajmer(link is external) cycling touring the world and getting ready for their next big adventure in the USA. Our second interview is with Shane Matheson & Rodney Todd from the Spokey Blokeys(link is external) who are apparently the world's only podcast recorded entirely while riding(link is external).

Since 2008 Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio has interviewed literally hundreds of people about cycling issues not only in Melbourne, but across Australia and internationally, including many of you reading this! The annual Radiothon is the one time of year we ask you to help keep 3CR and us on air by making a donation or subscription. You can do so by calling (03) 94198377 and pledging to Yarra BUG Radio or by donating online at 3CR.org.au. NB: Please make sure you mention that you would like your donation to support Yarra BUG Radio in the box provided or when asked.

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR

Monday 10:00am to 10:30am
Yarra Bicycle Users Group promotes urban cycling. Providing support to campaigns to improve cycling conditions and awareness; demystifies cycling technology and helps to reveal the diversity of cyclists, from children to commuters to lobbyists.


Chris, Faith, Val and Steve
