Elliot Fishman and the way politicians are talking about cyclists

Monday, 15 May 2017 - 10:00am to 10:30am

Val and Faith are joined in the studio on this foggy autumn morning by Elliot Fishman, Director of the Institute for Sensible Transport. We kick off the show by sharing our respective bike moments before taling a look at some news including; the failure of #ametrematters legislation to get through the Victorian Parliament, another stupid and avoidable crash with a moto in professional racing, this time in the Giro D'Italia and a submission by the City of Sydney to have a cycling course count towards Learner Driver's 120 hours log book total.

We then take a look at some recent examples of the Victorian Premier's language about cyclists and how this plays out against a background of increasing emphasis on moving people and the efforts of local councils and government organisations to facilitate that.

We finish up with some events coming up this week including YogHURT at Brunswick Cycling Club every Monday evening and the Central Victorian Atheists and Freethinkers meeting in Kyneton on Wednesday. 

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR
Monday 10:00am to 10:30am
Yarra Bicycle Users Group promotes urban cycling. Providing support to campaigns to improve cycling conditions and awareness; demystifies cycling technology and helps to reveal the diversity of cyclists, from children to commuters to lobbyists.


Chris, Faith, Val and Steve
