3 Songs 2024

Come along to 3 Songs on Friday 2 August at Mark St Hall in Fitzroy North. Each year singers and artists gather to present a fundraising concert to support the station. Six local choirs will each bring three of their most loved songs to raise funds and support Music Sans Frontieres, the World Music program presented weekly by The Boite (Tuesdays 12 -2pm). An annual feature in The Boite program of singing events, 3 Songs re-connects the singers, invites listeners into the songs and delights everyone in an evening of music and warmth. This year's line up includes: Living Out Loud dir Sue Johnson, Feel Good Choir dir Carl Panuzzo, Gorani men’s Georgian vocal ensemble, Mixed Drinks dir Therese Virtue, Sonidos Del Alma dir Iaki Vallejo, and Lingua Madre dir Kavisha Mazzella. Book now. 

Remember Me artwork by Reko Rennie in North Fitzroy.

National Sorry Day is an annual event that has been held in Australia on 26 May, since 1998. On 26 May 1997, the Bringing Them Home report was tabled in Parliament. First Nations communities and organisations had been campaigning for an inquiry that would address the general public's ignorance of the history of forced removals because it was hindering the recognition of the needs of its victims and their families and the provision of services that they needed.

Out of the Blue fundraiser

It's back! The team from Out of the Blue are holding their fourth annual Fundraising Trivia Night on Wednesday 23 May at 6pm. Get a team together, big or small, and join us at Highlander Bar, 11A Highlander Lane in the city, for delicious food, a cold bevvie and some healthy (or not so healthy) competition. Be sure to bring your A game, a creative team name and your mad trivia skills. All money raised will help to keep Out of the Blue running for another year. For more information and to book your tickets head to our Facebook page or email us at outoftheblue3cr@gmail.com

Completada Bailable fundraiser 19 May

Come along to a night of music and food in support of Completada Bailable and find out just what a Completo is! Saturday 19 May from 7pm, $10 entry. Moreland City Bandroom, 16-22 Cross Street, East Brunswick. Live music and Chilean hot dogs!

Spoken Word broadcast team 3CR

Spoken Word, Melbourne's weekly radio program dedicated to poetry, presents a fundraiser at Grub Food Van on Tuesday 15 May, 87 Moor Street Fitzroy. Featuring Andy Jackson, Jennifer Compton, Tariro Movondo, Kylie Supski and more. The event will be recorded and broadcast at a later date. $15 entry, get along and enjoy good food, great company and splendid spoken word. 

3CR kitchen window of campaign stickers about all things work and solidarity.

7am - 1pm Tuesday 1st May.  Each year for International Workers Day, communities from around the world join in to celebrate the achievements of the labour movement and to show solidarity with the continued struggle for labour rights everywhere. Kick off your May Day with 3CR's Tuesday Breakfast as we serve up solidarity and resistance. Hear perspectives throughout the day from women, LGBTQIA+, Earth workers, indigenous and community activists about all things work and solidarity.

3CR Tuesday Breakfast Team

On Tuesday 24 April, 7-8.30am, Tuesday Breakfast will explore how structural inequalities put First Nations women, immigrant women, sex workers, women of colour, women with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ women, homeless women, refugee women, and working class women at risk of predatory practices. With special guests including Sally Goldner (Transgender Victoria and Out of the Pan), Tareen Onus-Williams (Yiga Gunditj / Bindal / Erub Mur Islander, activist), Nik Ranger (Dada Ono), Queenie Bon Bon (worker, activist and performance artist), Anastasia Le (Out for Australia), Vicky Vacondios (educator, speaker and advocate on family violence and homelessness).

Stolenwealth Games

Help 3CR send a team of broadcasters to the Stolenwealth Games Protest April 4 - 15 2018, Queensland. We have 30 Limited Edition ‘Divine Intervention’ prints signed by Robbie Thorpe and Tom Civil. The “Divine Intervention” fire crest was a collaboration between Robbie Thorpe and Tom Civil in 2006 in the lead up to the  Melbourne Commonwealth (Stolenwealth) Games, and the Queen's visit. The crest symbolises the acknowledgement of Indigenous Law in Australia. Lightening strikes, igniting Indigenous Law represented by fire amongst the wattle branches, and in turn freeing the kangaroo and emu from their place in the 'Australian Coat of Arms'. The kangaroo and the emu then warm themselves by the fire. We are selling these limited edition screen prints for $100. We also have T-shirts $25 and tote bags for $20 each. So come down to the station during business hours and get some beautiful art and support an important project.

Eureka Flag

The Turnbull Government’s building industry attack dog has issued new Building Code rules that specifically ban the Eureka Flag from being displayed on a building site. In addition to banning the flag they have also banned putting stickers on hard hats. If an employer breaches the Code, they are ineligible to compete for Government work. Our station affiliate the CFMEU (Building Union Division) has launched a campaign to Break the Ban on flying the Eureka Flag. You can pick up free Break the Ban campaign stickers from 3CR office at 21 Smith Street Fitzroy during business hours. Listen to Concrete Gang to hear the latest updates on the campaign here

International Women's Day 2018

On Thursday 8 March join 3CR in celebrating International Women’s Day 2018. Tune in from midnight Wednesday until midnight Thursday 8 March to hear 24 hours of women and gender diverse voices, talkback, music, current affairs, union news, community languages and much more. Check out the exciting content we have planned for you here. Also come in to check out our new International Women's Day mural by Ms Saffaa and Molly Crabapple featuring (R - L) Julia De Burgos, Celeste Liddle and Dr. Hatoon Al Fassi and Suhair Hamad.

Subscriber Drive 2018

3CR's Subscriber Drive is happening now! From 12-18 February we are asking our listeners to subscribe to 3CR and our fabulous programs. Take this opportunity to invest in independent, community-run media and show us your love! Subscriptions are: $35 Unwaged/Concession, $75 for Waged and $150 Solidarity/Band. Call us on (03) 9419 8377 or subscribe online here. Show us your love!