CRAM Guide: 3CR's print magazine | 3CR Community Radio

CRAM Guide: 3CR's print magazine

The CRAM Guide is 3CR's annual magazine printed each year in May. It includes news, program profiles, station updates and the latest program guide. All subscribers receive a free copy in the mail. 


2024 Edition

(link is external)

CRAM 2024 Front Cover
Make sure you grab a copy of the 2024 CRAM Guide - out now (or read online)! Full of program profiles, insights from our presenters and trainers, along with in-depth reflections on our radical content. You can read it online now(link is external) or drop by the station and pick up a copy. Sound on for Solidarity. (link is external)








2023 Edition

(link is external)

CRAM 2023 Front Cover
The 2023 CRAM Guide is ready for your reading enjoyment! Jam-packed with program profiles, wise-words from our broadcasters and critical reflections on our unique content. You can read it online now(link is external) or pick up a paper copy from the station. Stay Tuned, Stay Radical! 








2022 Edition

(link is external)

CRAM 2022 Front Cover
Check out the 2022 CRAM Guide - it's full of interviews, articles, conversations and much more covering all the great shows and special broadcasts at the station. You can read it online now(link is external) or pick up a paper copy from the station. Keep Community Strong!









2021 Edition

(link is external)

CRAM 2021 Front Cover
Welcome to the 2021 CRAM Guide. Catch up on new shows, specials, meet some of our hard-working volunteers and get some great reasons to support this year's Community Powered Radio fundraiser(link is external). Read the CRAM online here(link is external).









2020 Edition

(link is external)

CRAM 2020 Front Cover
The 2020 CRAM Guide is here(link is external)! This year our digital-only version is Covid-19 safe and packed with great articles, compelling reasons to give generously to the Station Appeal, along with live links to audio and program information. 

Read the 2020 CRAM Guide online now. (link is external)










2019 Edition

CRAM 2019 Front Cover
Feast your eyes on the 2019 CRAM Guide! Inside you can read about the Armenian show, the power of our disability day programming, just what keeps breakfast radio ticking, the history of legal issues on the airwaves and much, much more. 

Download the 2019 CRAM (PDF) 










2018 Edition

3CR CRAM 2018


The 2018 CRAM Guide is packed with great articles and information to feed your brain and soul this Winter. There are features on the criminalisation of journalism, making the airwaves trans inclusive, youth justice radio and much more. Read up and remember to 'Fight for your mic!'. 

Read the 2018 CRAM online

Download the 2018 CRAM (PDF) 








2017 Edition

CRAM 2017 cover

The 2017 CRAM Guide delivers a rich array of on-air updates and features to the theme of 'Radio for Change'.

Read the 2017 CRAM online

Download the 2017 CRAM










2016 Edition

CRAM 2016 cover

The 2016 CRAM Guide celebrates 40 years of radical radio. Our birthday exhibition 'If People Powered Radio' is profiled, along with excerpts from the station's stunning book publication Radical radio: Celebrating 40 Years of 3CR(link is external). Includes program and people profiles from across the decades.

Read the 2016 CRAM online

Download the 2016 CRAM


2015 Edition

The 2015 CRAM Guide demonstrates the crucial role the station plays in a media landscape dominated by corporate interests. We showcase a selection of our unique and diverse programming as well as the things behind the scenes that makes 3CR tick and activates the airwaves.

 Read the 2015 CRAM










2014 Edition

CRAM Cover 2013
The 2014 CRAM Guide focuses on how 3CR has been the voice of community acivism and resistance since our inception. We celebrate our proud history of union affiliation, and our role in suporting and growing community campaigns both locally and overseas.

 Read the 2014 CRAM










2013 Edition

CRAM Cover 2013
The 2013 CRAM Guide celebrates the Political Donations our Programmers and Volunteers make. There are features on new programs, press freedom, protest music, politics in the arts, and the corporatisation of sport. We also pay tribute to 3CR programmers that passed away in 2012-13, and programs that finished up.

 Read the 2013 CRAM










2012 Edition

CRAM Cover 2012
In the 2012 CRAM Guide read about Australia's dire state of media ownership and how you can Invest in Independence. There are features on Chin Radio, union activism and union radio, the struggle forWest Papuan independence3CR's music show scene and much more.

Read the 2012 CRAM [pdf]










2011 Edition

CRAM Cover 2011
The 2011 CRAM Guide profiles the people, projects and programs that make 3CR People Powered Radio in 2011. There's a Refugee Radio feature, as well as all latest on projects: Visioning Justice and I Just Can't Hide It. New shows, solar power, farewells, people's tours and much more.

Read the 2011 CRAM [pdf]










2010 Edition

CRAM Cover 2010
In the 2010 CRAM Guide there's all the latest on 3CR's programming as well as a great range of feature articles including: 3CR's handmade history; hands on radio with refugee resettlement and Palestine Remembered; and a handy "how to" so that you can make your ownfelt radio.

Read the 2010 CRAM [pdf]










2009 Edition

CRAM Cover 2009
In the 2009 CRAM Guide we hear from some of the people who powered 3CR in the past - former broadcasters who now work at other media outlets and activist radio stations. Find out why training at 3CR is so special plus how to make the most of your interview techniques, and read your revolutionary horoscopes for the month of June!

Read the 2009 CRAM [pdf]








Spring 2008 Edition

CRAM Guide Nov 2008 Cover
The Spring 2008 CRAM Guide profiles 3CR's latest batch of new programs, farewells some old ones and features articles on political poster art and the 2009 Seeds of Dissent Calendar. Also, a handy guide to digital for dummies

Read the Spring 2008 CRAM [pdf]











Autumn 2008 Edition

CRAM Autumn 2008 cover
The Autumn 2008 CRAM Guide includes feature articles and profilesnew and established 3CR programs. Kevin Healy's 3CR – Still Relevant After the Honeymoon? seeks to re-focus our attention at this time of post-Howard Government euphoria; Damaris Baker writes about the constraints on paid journalists in doing investigative work in Sinking beneath the airwaves; and Elanor McInerney talks to 3CR broadcaster Kutcha Edwards about his feelings on the Day of National Apology.

Read the Autumn 2008 CRAM [pdf]









Spring 2007 Edition 

CRAM Spring 2007 cover
The Spring 2007 CRAM Guide includes feature articles and profiles new and established 3CR programs. It also introduces you to the the 2008 Seeds of Dissent Calendar celebrating radical history and challenging 12 Australian myths. 

Read the Spring 2007 CRAM [pdf]











Autumn 2007 Edition

CRAM Autumn 2007 cover
The Autumn 2007 CRAM Guide is The Spin, a tabloid expose of 3CR as a disreputable hotbed of activism, where dangerous radicals grubby the airwaves and push ratbag marginal agendas. Includes feature articles on climate change politics, the housing crisis and squatting, and profiles of 3CR talkback programs

Read the Autumn 2007 CRAM [pdf]