Commons Conversations #1: Elly Desmarchelier and El Gibbs

Friday, 23 December 2022 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Commons Conversations was a summer series of interviews in which campaigners shared their experiences and insights into activism, learning in movements, radical history and more. The program was broadcast by Community Radio 3CR and produced by the Commons Social Change Library, a website containing over 1000 resources for campaigners, which can be accessed for free at

El Gibbs is a campaigner and award winning writer whose work focuses on disability and social justice issues. In this episode she and writer, speaker and disability rights advocate Elly Desmarchelier discuss their experiences of campaigning around a range of causes. They also chat about ways in which campaigns can become more effective, strategic and accessible, about learning from mistakes, and the importance of rest and fun in creating sustainable, deep and lasting change.

Friday 9:00am to 10:00am
Ratbags, Peaceniks and Agents of Change. Resistance radio that explores the movements that made us, drawing from the activist archives through to voices of resistance today. We take you under the hood to see how collectives and campaigns are formed, mobilise people, work cooperatively to transform systems of oppression and are sustained over time.
