Ellen Sandell (Melbourne Greens, Vic) speaks to Viv about the Green's campaign to close down dirty brown coal Hazelwood power station (dirtiest in Australia, 3rd dirtiest in the world). In 2010 the Victorian Labour Party promised to phase out Hazelwood, Ellen Sandell and the Greens are now reminding Labour of John Brumby's promise to shut down Hazelwood and replace its output with clean energy. GDF Suez owns Hazelwood and on its website states that it is 'has become one of the nation’s leading independent power companies.' Ellen and Viv discuss GDF Suez's responsibilities in relation to Hazelwood.
Earthworker Co-op - bringing green jobs to the LaTrobe Valley by making solar hot water systems. Call 1300 GO EARTH
David Spratt, thought leader and co-author of Climate Code Red is in the studio, reiterating the action required to arrest, combat and reverse clilmate change, that is:
1) build renewables, 2) close down the fossil fuel industry (remember Australia is the highest emitter per capita) and 3) go for energy efficiency.
In the last interview, Viv speaks with one of the traditional owners from Wangan Jagalingou country in Qld, Adrian Burrugubba. Adrian's people also are trying to stop the Indian coal giant ADANI from exporting mega amounts of coal from this area.
Climate Action Collective