This show was broadcast on Mon 12th September 2016
Today on BZE Radio join us at NorthcoteTown Hall in Melbourne for an excerpt from an inspired and inspiring event held on August 11th called Creating a Climate for Change (thank you Melbourne Playback Theatre).
Architect Rob Adams returned to his University in South Africa and found that without building more they had massively increased the number of students by multitasking the rooms. With climate change in mind he talks about how cities can do the same.
Lucy Best is a campaigner. She engages with the community to bring renewable energy solutions to low income residents. Her fascinating talk shows how personal commitment and ingenuity break down barriers.
Stephen Bygrave brings examples from around the world to show how the time is coming when petrol -fuelled cars, energy intensive buildings and coal fired power will be things of the past.
Playback Theatre Performers engage with the audience.
People’s worries about workers left behind, politicians not being up to the task and survival are brought into the arena.
The musicians and actors then mirror these thoughts and turn them into little plays. Imagination, myth and feelings are to the fore in an evening where Left Brain climate solutions meet Right Brain improvisations.
MONDAY BZE Radio Mon 5-6pm
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Walk with the Valley
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