Sustainable Living Festival
We start 2019 with the idea that "There is such a thing as too late. "
Nature is booming a message of biblical intensity Flood, Fire, Pestlience.
Greta Thunberg told the world financial leaders at Davos : " You are destroying biodiversity so rich people can live in luxury".
So we searched for help in the Sustainable Living Festival. The big weekend is 8th -10th February along the Yarra at Birrorong Marr.
Come down to the BZE stall to find out how you can volunteer.
In the studio we had six people skilled in changing the conversation and mobilising action.
Belina Raffy , Tejopala Rawls and Maxwell Smith from "Sustainable Standup" at Butterfly Club
Tom Robb from "There is NO planet B "( See SLF programme for venues)
Miriam Robinson from "Grey Power Climate Protectors"
Anna Langford from "Friends of the Earth ". Her high school training is "Get S**T done"
Thanks to the Radio Team: Roger Vize, Kurt Johnson and Vivien Langford