October 12th 2020
Production: Vivien Langford and Andy Britt
Kurt Johnson with Sandra Capone of Good On You fashion App.
James Whitmore with Dr Ted Trainer of UNSW
When the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell says "We cannot go faster than society. We cannot sell what customers don't want", we have to wonder who persuaded us to want oil? IN Australia as COVID recovery plans promote gas we need to ask, Who filled our minds with the idea that gas is "cleaner", more modern, and the gas companies are a commmunity asset.?
The Guardian this year decided to refuse all ads for oil and gas. They were driven by the urgency of climate action reported by their journalists.
Client Earth launched a complaint against BP's global advertising. Australian Lawyer Sophie Marjanac said “BP is spending millions on advertising to give the impression that it’s racing to renewables, that its gas is cleaner, and that it is part of the climate solution.” BP is an oil and gas giant and historically the fifth most polluting fossil fuel company in the world."
We ask should all fossil fuel ads be banned or should they carry a tobacco style warning from the IPCC?
SANDRA CAPPONI talks to Kurt about Good On YOU. : Greenwashed Fashion means that you may need this app to buy ethically produced clothes.It is used globally and Emma Watson is their No 1 Supporter . She says" On the red carpet we’re often asked not what we are wearing but ‘who’. It’s as if the ideas behind the clothes – the label, the designer, the collection – have more meaning than the garment itself. But there’s something missing.........In truth, we can all play a part in driving fashion to be more sustainable and ethical. By choosing to wear clothes from labels that embrace transparent, creative and innovative production methods; and by re-wearing, recycling, swapping and thrifting.
Good on You:
TED TRAINER repairs his own clothes and lives frugally. He talks to James about a life of simplicity and a radical reorganisation of society based on co operative communities. COVID may have made us more receptive to his ideas and we have had a taste of the alternatives in lockdown. Without the delusions created by GREENWASH maybe we could take back some of our power as citizens instead of being powerless consumers. As Thoreau said:
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach me, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
Thoreau. Walden
The article mentioned by Ted Trainer about decoupling is by Parrique et al
Introduction to Sam Alexander
Climate Action Collective