
Fire and Ice: black soot warms the world
26 Oct 2015
Black carbon, otherwise known as soot, is a major player in the disruption to our climate systems.
Viv Langford, Gerard Wedderburn Bisshop, David Karoly, Malte Meinshausen, Jonathan Mingle interviewed by Alex Smith.
Campaigns to close down coal mines
19 Oct 2015
A successful campaign closes down the Anglesea coal mine. Meanwhile the fight to close Hazelwood (in Gippsland) continues
Viv Langford, Andrew Laird, Lord John Deben, Adam Bandt, John Grimes, Ellen Sandell
How mentally comfortable are you with the idea of catastrophic climate change?
12 Oct 2015
Head in the sand? Why can so many siimply ignore the reality of climate change?
Viv Langford, Lyn Bender, Charles le Feuvre, Susie Burke, Sue Pratt
Shenua vs Liverpool Plains
5 Oct 2015
Shenhua coal mine fought by Liverpool Plains NSW farmers and residents
Tony Wikndsor, Tim Duddy, Farmrers
What did Malcolm Turnball think in 2010 about our future in regards to climate change?
28 Sep 2015
Malcolrm Turnball
Viv Langford, David Watson, Professor kevin Anderson, Professor David Karoly, Dr Stephen Bygrave, Professor Will Steffan
Kevin Anderson from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
21 Sep 2015
Viv Langford, Alex Smith (radio EcoShock), Kevin Anderson
How should parliamentarians speak to the gallery?
14 Sep 2015
How do our representatives talk about citizens in the protected areas of Parliament House (NSW in this instance)
Viv Langford, Phil Laird, Barnaby Joyce, Fran Kelly, Debra Roberts
Adani vs The Law
7 Sep 2015
Do citizens have a right to take a mine project to court? Is this vigilante litigation?
Vivien Langford, Professor Stephanie Hepburn, Jeff Smith, Cristy Clark
Different conversations -
31 Aug 2015
New book - Guarding Eden by Deborah Hart (Allen & Unwin)
Deborah Hart, Fiona Armstrong, Julien Vincent, Carol Ride
24 Aug 2015
How does the media and those shadowy think tanks shape community ideas about climate action.
David Holmes, Roger Dargaville,