Gold Star Failure Starring Jacci Pillar Showing at Melbourne Fringe Festival

Wednesday, 21 September 2022 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm


The Beurologist talks with 

1) Sally Goldner, host of 3CR Out Of The Pan- Generating Publicity for shows


2) Jacci Pillar Star of Gold Star Failure showing at Melbourne Fringe Festival 


Whats On With Disability 


1) Alter State Festival

2) Melbourne Fringe Festival

3) Mental Health - first week in October 

4) Launch of Come Over To My House written Elize Hull and Sally Rippen


Outro Song The Creatives Truth by The Master and The Beurologist 


#3CR, #TheBoldness , #OutOfThePan, #GoldStarFailure #MelbourneFringe, #Fringe2022,  #ComeoverToMyHouse, #Publicity

#Disability, #DisabilityNews, #Arts, #Entertainement, #Festivals,  #DisabilityPride , #TheBeurologist , #SallyGoldner, # JacciPillar