Lean Chew from Wild at Heart - Unmuted Festival

Wednesday, 13 October 2021 - 5:00pm to 5:30pm

Tonight we are lucky enough to speak to someone who has first hand experience of the importance of music in every day wellbeing. Lean Chew is a singer-songwriter from Melbourne and she’s going to talk to us about the Unmuted festival, presented by Wild at Heart. We also play some of Lean’s very own songs on the show!


The Unmuted Festival is a free online program running this week, coinciding with the Mental Health Week, presenting a positive message about music, community and the relationship with Mental Health Challenges. Wild at Heart provide music programs for people with mental health challenges, disability & disadvantage.




Unmuted Festival events are held live on:



To check out other programs offered by WAH and contact number of Executive Officer Phil Heuzenroeder:




Wednesday 5:00pm to 5:30pm
Challenging the mainstream, negative stereotypes of people with a mental illness, Brainwaves actively engages those living with a mental illness as researchers, interviewers, performers and program designers while promoting community mental health awareness.


Members of Wellways Australia
