Voice of West Papua | 3CR Community Radio

Voice of West Papua

Tuesday 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Presented by West Papuan activists and community members who voice the aspirations of Papua's struggle, share songs, interviews, music and stories.

Joe Wally, Erwin Bleskadit, Debra Wally, Sixta Kareni, Terra and Ronny Kareni



About Voice of West Papua

Voice of West Papua has been on air for 11 years and is presented by West Papuan activists and community members who voice the aspirations of West Papua's struggle, share songs, interviews, music and stories. Since the annexation of West Papua by Indonesia on 1 May 1963, more than half a million West Papuans have died and countless have gone missing as a result of a brutal military occupation. Today West Papuans are still experiencing injustice, marginalisation and human rights abuses just because they stand up for themselves. Through our stories, interviews, music and art, we hope to raise awareness about the plight of West Papua. 

Papua Merdeka! Free West Papua!

instagram.com/thevoiceofwestpapua/(link is external)


Previous presenters: Emilia Wainggai, Jefry Yikwa, Alfonse Adakikam, Ivone Bukorpioper and Sixta Mambor.