Episode 3.3: Peter Ballard

Sunday, 13 November 2022 - 9:30am to 10:00am
COTI Episode 3.3: Peter Ballard, Union Delegate, WA

 Series 3, Episode 3:

 Series 3 of COTI focuses on the construction industry in WA.
 Building workers are building workers and building work is building work wherever you are.


 On this episode of Creatures of the Industry, Ralph talks to Peter Ballard about his experiences in the industry. From his introduction to workplace politics in shearing sheds, starting out as a brickies labourer, his later involvement in notorious disputes in both VIC and WA, and through to retirement, this episode includes discussions about workers, awards, conditions, and more. 


 The COTI podcasts are sponsored by the Concrete Gang in cooperation with 3CR Community Radio. 
 For a full list of episodes and access to all links, visit www.3cr.org.au/coti

Creatures of the Industry
Sunday 9:30am to 10:00am
A project by the Concrete Gang, recording the history of the building and construction industry in Melbourne since the 1960s, as remembered by those who built this city and helped establish the industrial landscape we work in today.


Ralph Edwards
