Saving Radio Skid Row

Monday, 16 November 2020 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm

Last year Radio Skid Row received $150,000 in operations funding from the Community Broadcasting Foundation. This year they received 0. 

It was a decision that surprised many. Radio Skid Row's president Huna Amweero said, "The decision makes no sense to us. They chose to kneecap the most historically and radically diverse station in New South Wales, maybe even Australia."

Radio Skid Row was founded by a collective of marginalized groups including migrants, squatters, prison activists and members from the Indigenous community to name a few. The station broadcasts 47 hours of community language programs per week. It is also home to the longest-running African program in Australia - Afrika Connexions. Unless they meet their funding target the station will close. 

Raul Hernandez from Radio Skid Row joins us to discuss the station's campaign to stay on air. 

Raul is the Operations and Ethnic Coordinator.

To support the station reach its target click here.

A show that provides a platform for people interested in ideas about home, community, and belonging.


Ayan Shirwa.

