Jiselle Hanna

Monday, 11 January 2021 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm
Photo by Hieu Vu Minh on Unsplash

What is Socialism and why does it get such a bad rap?

Is an increase in work hours for student visa holders (employed in the agricultural sector) a win, or something more sinister?

And what does meaningful solidarity look like?

Helping us answer these questions and more is Jiselle Hanna from Accent of Women.

Suggested reading

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser

The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell


Jiselle is a delegate of the CPSU and has been an internationaJisellel trade union activist for 14 years.  She has been involved in organising international women's day since 1998 and has been a broadcaster at radio 3CR, focusing mainly on women's programming, for about 20 years. Jiselle’s international union activity involves working with migrant workers and around migrant workers’ rights. Over the last ten years, Jiselle has been developing international campaigns designed to build solidarity between workers in the same industry across borders.  The project is called Global Picketline.

A show that provides a platform for people interested in ideas about home, community, and belonging.


Ayan Shirwa.

