Amateka Series

Monday, 1 February 2021 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm
 Amateka Series

Senator Lidia Thorpe speaks at the Invasion Day Rally Melbourne 2021 organised by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance and Linda Iriza chats to us about community work, arts collectives and why history matters.

Linda Iriza is a Rwandan currently based in Boorloo (Perth). Her work centres African youth and continues to create community projects that bring them together. She does this through collectives like Soul Alphabet; where they support young bla(c)k and brown creatives through events, workshops and various projects. Linda is also passionate about archiving histories and she does this through Amateka Series and an Indigenous-led creative agency she's recently joined called Studio Kiin. Her passion for creating spaces for young Africans goes beyond borders; as she founded Nuru Tours which is an ethical travel project that works to connect the African diaspora to home. 

A show that provides a platform for people interested in ideas about home, community, and belonging.


Ayan Shirwa.

