Building from the ground up in momentous and perilous times

Monday, 28 November 2016 - 10:30am to 11:00am

Post Trump, post Brexit and the re-animation of One Nation. Progressive movements around the world pondering - where to next? This week on Dirt Radio, we begin to offer some locally focused answers. This is the building from the ground up edition.

To start, Hayden Annable from Curvatecture talks about super adobe dwellings and how they get built with innovative, inexpensive and sustainable earthbag technology. An earthbag technology home is being constucted in Gippsland over the summer, and in conjunction with the building, workshops are being offered to the community to introduce this technology.

In the second half of the show, Em Gayfer from Yes2Renewables explains the next stage of FoE's climate action campaign and building momentum and support in Melbourne's inner northern suburbs. The kick-off happens with a picnic on Sunday Dec 4, All Nations Park in Northcote.


Dirt Radio is Friends of the Earth Melbourne's show on 3CR
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:00am
Friends of the Earth campaigners and activists dig down into the dirt on important environmental and social justice issues.


Friends of the Earth Crew
