Brexit, Trump, Hanson: environment campaigning and the rise of right wing populism

Monday, 20 February 2017 - 10:30am to 11:00am

What is an environment campaigner and activist supposed to do in a post –truth world? In the era of 'alternative facts' and fake news? In a world being remade by Brexit, the victory of Donald Trump… and in Australia, the re-emergence of Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party?

Cam Walker, campaign co-ordinator with Friends of the Earth in Melbourne, talks about FoE's future campaign alignments and strategizing faced with the reality of these momentous historic changes.

Also, a live cross to anti-Adani coal mine rally at a Westpac branch in the CBD, protesting the bank's commitment to fund this climate wrecking disaster.


Dirt Radio is Friends of the Earth Melbourne's show on 3CR
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:00am
Friends of the Earth campaigners and activists dig down into the dirt on important environmental and social justice issues.


Friends of the Earth Crew
