VIC Gas Roadmap - Analysis

Tuesday, 26 July 2022 - 9:28am to 10:00am

On todays show Jack and Sam speak with Freja about Victoria's role in Gas. The interview touches on the role gas plays in Australia, the way it's exported and a recent (staggering) proposal for a floating gas terminal to be built in Geelong. The terminal boasts a location within the advised safe 3km radius residental housing, an immediate threat to local bay wildlife and a shallow attempt to prop up the crumbling Australian gas industry.

Help show solidarity to the people, flora and fauna that will be effected by the project by sending an email to your MP to TAKE ACTION on Victorian gas.

Dirt Radio is Friends of the Earth Melbourne's show on 3CR
Tuesday 9:30am to 10:00am
Friends of the Earth campaigners and activists dig down into the dirt on important environmental and social justice issues.


Friends of the Earth Crew
