Stolen Generation and the rights of Transgender Prisoners

Monday, 19 March 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Guests Ken Canning Indigenous activist from Isja Sydney Andrew Eklund Executive Director of Transgender Victoria Jules Kim Ceo from Scarlet Alliance  Marisa interviewed Ken Canning from Isja about the racist commentary on Sunrise TV regarding forced removals of children from Aboriginal communities. Marisa spoke with Ken about  a Minister  suggesting that white families be allowed to adopt abused aboriginal children to save them from rape, assault and neglect. Aboriginal deaths in custody was also discussed, including TJ Hickey. This was linked to the Stolen Generation topic. Marisa then spoke with Andrew Eklund Executive Director of Transgender Victoria and Jules Kim Ceo from Scarlet Alliance about the violation of human rights for Transgender prisoners, and the criminalisation of HIV.    
 A transgender woman is currently being held in solitary confinement in WA's Casuarina maximum security prison for men. In January, CJ Palmer was found guilty by a Perth District Court jury of committing grievous bodily harm for transmitting HIV. CJ Palmer's case was also discussed in some detail.