Privacy Laws Coronavirus, young First nations People And the Criminal Justice System

Monday, 18 October 2021 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Marisa interviewed Kieran Pender Senior lawyer, Human
Rights Law Centre
about how The Human Rights Law Centre and Digital Rights Watch have written to Federal, State, and territory health Ministers calling for stronger privacy protections in the technology being used to support home quarantine trials.

Marisa then interviewed Cheryl Axleby, Narunga woman and Co-Chair, Change the Record: about
Australia's state and territory governments being urged to follow the lead of the ACT, after it released its roadmap to raising the age. Overincarceration of First Nations people was discussed, as well as the stolen Generation, and the need for young people and children to have communities, not prisons.

Doin Time 4-5pm Mondays
Monday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
An open forum, presenting information and discussion around issues faced by prisoners in the criminal justice system and migration detention centres.


