Su, Gemma and Daniel are joined by PhD candidate at the Australian National University and former Canberra Community Law solicitor, Radhika Chaudhri(link is external), to discuss new ways of ensuring Australian courts consider Economic Violence in a family violence context.
We discuss new ways of using some old school legal ideas to get lawyers and judges thinking differently about this problem. We chat about mortgages, consumer contracts and other situations where women find themselves in crisis because of financial abuse.
For the law nerds out there, the discussion is about the application of the equitable doctrine of undue influence to financial abuse cases in the Family Court and Supreme Courts.
Radhika Chaudhri's research on this topic can be found published in the Australian Journal of Family Law (link is external)in her article titled "Tackling financial abuse with the doctrine of undue influence".
Members of the Federation of Community Legal Centres