Can legislation strangle a river system?

Sunday, 20 December 2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Dry Menindee Lake, photo credit: Megan Williams

The practice of diverting floodwaters into private storages is being legislated in the NSW northern Murray-Darling. What will this mean for environment and communities that depend on it. 

We speak with Charlee-Sue Frail Ngemba Woman and advisor to the Dharriwaa Elders Group in Walgatt and hear excerpts from a presentation by water consultants Slattery & Johnson

Have your say on Floodplain harvesting until Dec 20. Handy Submission buide posted to

Episode 1275 was produced by Megan Williams

A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Jacob Gamble, Judith Peppard, Phil Evans
