Young Climate Feminists: Radical Futures Roundtable Pt 2. | 3CR Community Radio

Young Climate Feminists: Radical Futures Roundtable Pt 2.

Sunday, 4 July 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30am
A promotional banner featuring headshots of seven young Women of Colour on a banner with a colourful background and text saying ‘Radical Futures roundtable: Young climate feminists in conversation. Featuring Sanam Amin, Frances Roberts-Gregory, Maggie Mapondera, Maria Alejandra Escalante and Patricia Miranda Wattimena. Moderated by Mara Dolan & Andrea Vega Troncoso WEDO’

Young intersectional feminists re-imagining climate justice

This week on Earth Matters Part 2 of a two part series envisioning radical futures with young intersectional climate feminists at Climate Week 2020 with global advocacy organization WEDO(link is external).

Moderators: Mara Dolan  l  Andrea Vega Troncoso

Speakers: Sanam Amin l Frances Roberts-Gregory l Maggie Mapondera l Maria Alejandra Escalante l Patricia Miranda Wattimena

This audio was sourced, with thanks, from a Climate Week 2020 webinar(link is external) by WEDO.

LISTEN to Part 1 here

Earth Matters #1303 was produced by Nicky Stott

A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Claudia Craig & Mia Audrey.
