Healing Our Lands (Part 2)

Sunday, 31 October 2021 - 11:00am to 11:30am
webinar headshots of speakers

Heal Country, Heal Climate series NAIDOC 2021

Healing Our Lands (part 2) is from a 3 part episode, and the panellists explore ways of collectively looking after Country and the panellists explore ways of collectively looking after Country and the impacts of mining development and legislative changes to state heritage acts, including the right to veto, native title and free prior and informed consent.


Presenter: Dr Virginia Marshall (Wiradjuri & Nyemba)


Anthony Watson (Nyikina Mangala, Karajarri, Yawuru and Jabirr Jabirr)

Kado Muir (Wati)

Adrian Burragubba (Wangan & Jagalingou)

Healing Our Lands (Part 1) LISTEN
Healing Our Lands (Part 3 ) LISTEN

The Heal Country, Heal Climate webinar series is a collaboration between the Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation Australia Better Futures Australia and includes five episodes:
Episode 1 Custodians of Country
Episode 2 Healing our waterways
Episode 3 Healing our lands
Episode 4 Community healing
Episode 5 Pursuing global justice


Earth Matters #1320 was produced by Nicky Stott

A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Jacob Gamble, Judith Peppard, Phil Evans
