Jail can not rehabilitate forest defender Dr Collette Harmsen. Just tear up the wood supply agreements. | 3CR Community Radio

Jail can not rehabilitate forest defender Dr Collette Harmsen. Just tear up the wood supply agreements.

Sunday, 22 October 2023 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Dr Collette Harmsen  smiles

Dr Collette Harmsen

Dr. Colette Harmsen, in lutruwita (Tasmania) was released on Friday 13/10/23 from her three months sentence in prison, for having stood up for the protection of our precious native forests. She spoke to Sean O'Shannessy on the day of her release about her reasons for taking the actions that got her locked up, her experience of prison and her intentions for future actions for our environment. 

Susie Russel and Dylan Pugh unpick the vested interests in  the Northern NSW native forests logging industry identifying the The Pentarch Group Melbourne Australia | Pentarch Agricultural | Pentarch Forestry(link is external) as some of the people profiting from the destruction of  the homes of our unique and threatened animals and plants.



Dr. Colette Harmsen interviewed by Sean O'Shannessy 

Susie Russel North Coast Environment Council, Inc. (ncec.org.au)

Dylan PughNorth East Forest Alliance (NEFA)



The Bulldozer Allstars  with Tonka Toys(link is external) from the 

Lock On! Albumn Songs to Save Australia's Forests | N.E.F.A. (bandcamp.com)(link is external).....check it out.

Also I do realise that while this song pokes fun at workers many of them are struggling now and eager to find a way out of this sunset industry that does not harm their families financially or socially. Lets hope the transition package they are offered when the industry folds, takes them all into something they want to do that is  well paid. 



Forestry Corporation - Timber sales(link is external)


Bob Brown Foundation - Action for Earth


Trees make Rain - there's science now to prove it! (learningfromnature.com.au)(link is external)


Earth Matters #1425 was produced by Bec Horridge(link is external) on the lands of the Nunnawal and Ngambri in Canberra and on the land of the Kalibai people(link is external) in Murwillumbah  and Widjibul lands of the  Bundjalung Nation and the on lutruwita [Tasmania].



A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Claudia Craig & Mia Audrey.
