Sybil Disobedients: Aprons, Agitprops and Climate Action

Sunday, 20 November 2022 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Ten people with blue hats, red tops and blue skirts held out by piping, wearing gas masks. Their yellow aprons carry messages: Climate crisis, Hanging by a thread, 2050 is too late, Act now XR Westernport Sybil Disobedients: Photo provided by Talei Kenyon

Sybil Disobedients: Aprons, agitprops and climate protest


You may have seen them on your telly or in front of the AGL building in Melbourne’s CBD in their hooped skirts and yellow aprons...moving slowly, floating to the beat of a single drum, calling out the government’s continued support for the fossil fuel industries that are destroying the planet.


This week on Earth Matters you’ll meet them, the XR Westernport Sybil Disobedients.


We hear how it all started, why they do it and what they hope to achieve:  Jeannine Wilson, Talei Kenyon, Annemarie Dalziel, John Lorkin, Hannah Lewis, Julie Edgerton and Jamie Edgerton


Earth Matters #1375 was produced by Judith Peppard

A banner that's painted in the aboriginal flag colours. The banner says Always Was Always Will Be
Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local and global environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Bec Horridge, Claudia Craig & Mia Audrey.
