CLTs are happening, and how UK Enclosures led to Oz Convicts | 3CR Community Radio

CLTs are happening, and how UK Enclosures led to Oz Convicts

Wednesday, 20 July 2016 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
Bruns Eco Village


We start with the catalyst to what could be Australia’s first Community Land Trust, Kelvin Daly (brunsecovillage.com.au). Exciting. Then we talk to Colin Cook about the pressures of UK enclosures. How did that contribute to arrests and what  ramifications did that have for what was soon to become Australia?

Renegade Economists logo

share the earth's worth to prosper sustainably

Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
To reforming economics as an interpretation of reality, rather than a diversion play for monopolists.


Karl Fitzgerald
