International Overdose Awareness Day 2018

Thursday, 11 October 2018 - 2:13pm
We need to talk about overdose

International Overdose Awareness Day - Friday 31 August. 

We hear from an expert panel of researchers, services providers and, most importantly, peers in the community.

Our speakers are: Kate Seear (Monash University), Sione Crawford (Harm Reduction Victoria), Adrian Farrugia (National Drug Research Institute) and Nico Clark (North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Centre). 

Occupy Melbourne
3CR has a long history of presenting live coverage of union and social justice protests, blockades and occupations including the Honeymoom Mine occupation, the nurses dispute (including the 2012 nurses dispute), the MUA picket, the S11 World Economic Forum protests, Occupy Melbourne and more recently the TAFE4ALL campaign.
