Tuesday, 29 May 2012 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

The Australian Education Union and other union and community groups launched the TAFE4All campaign to support the public TAFE system - the route into work and higher educationfor hundreds of thousands of Victorians every year.  

Listen to coverage below and check out TAFE4All twitter and facebook for the latest updates.


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Victorian state government announced $40 million of TAFEfunding cuts in early May and flagged the possibility of future cuts to thetune of $230 million. 3CR’s national workplace justice program, Stick Together spoke toMargarita Windisch, TAFE teacher at Victoria University, about the funding cutsand the state government's push towards greater privatisation of education andtraining. 
Listen Now (6.7MB/ 14:27min)

After hearing the budget announcement that funding for up to 80% of TAFE courses would be cut and institutes would lose their communityservice funding about 2000 people rallied in Melbourne on Thursday 10 May. TAFE student and former 3CR programmer Nick Wurlod spoke to 3CR’s Thursday Breakfast show about the campaign against thefunding cuts. 
Listen Now (4.6MB / 10:00min)

RMIT TAFE students and their supportersalso rallied on Wednesday 23 May. 3CR caught some sounds and voices on the march from RMIT in Carltonto Parliament House. 
Listen Now (3.4MB / 7:18min)

Privatisation by StealthCity Limits spoke with Leesa Wheelahan about why TAFES are so important and what we as acommunity will lose if we let these cuts go ahead. 
Listen Now (9.1MB/19:52min)

Another of the casualties of the funding cuts is the Diplomaof Auslan at the TAFE Kangan Institute. The TAFE Kangan Institute is currentlythe only institution in Victoria,which offers a diploma in Auslan. It is, in fact, one of only two institutionsthat offer a diploma in Auslan in Australia.3CR’s Tuesday Breakfast show spoke with Vicdeaf Communications and Community Relations manager Brent Phillips and to current student of Auslan atthe Kangan Institute Lana Schwarcz. Auslan interpreter Mark Quinn was alsopresent for the interview to translate for Brent Phillips. 
ListenNow (10.1MB / 22:00min)

Occupy Melbourne
3CR has a long history of presenting live coverage of union and social justice protests, blockades and occupations including the Honeymoom Mine occupation, the nurses dispute (including the 2012 nurses dispute), the MUA picket, the S11 World Economic Forum protests, Occupy Melbourne and more recently the TAFE4ALL campaign.
