We hear from Sue McKinnon & Peter Roberts, both of the Kinglake Friends of the Forest community group which is going head-to-head with the government-owned logging company VicForests, to save the little-known greater glider from extinction.
Sue & Peter explain how, despite the greater glider's threatened status, VicForests continues to clearfell coupes throughout the native forests of Central Highlands and Gippsland where greater gliders are known to inhabit. They also describe the bold direct action and careful surveys that the dedicated members of Kinglake Friends of the Forest have undertaken, in defence of the greater glider. And how the Victorian Government have deliberately prioritised the economic interests of the logging industry over the survival of the greater glider and a safe climate.
Kinglake Friends of the Forest https://www.facebook.com/Kinglake-Friends-of-the-Forest-449764088934522/
The Freedom of Species Team