Animal Liberation Queensland - discussion with Chay Neal and Amanda Holly

Sunday, 22 August 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
 Image of participants in the BEEF.ORG.AU campaign holding posters and banners in Queensland in May 2021.

 Chay Neal (Executive Director) and Amanda Holly (Campaign Manager, Intensive Farming) from Animal Liberation Queensland speak with us about ALQ's approach to animal rights advocacy and some of their successful campaigns including their expose on live baiting in the greyhound industry, the amazing BEEF.ORG.AU campaign, their campaign for veganism Vegan4Life, rodeo campaigns and more. 


 Animal Liberation QLD

 Greyhound racing campaign


 BEEF.ORG.AU campaign

 Campaign for veganism, Vegan4Life

 Dairy industry

 World Plant Milk Day 2021

 Brisbane Animal Save


 All the Good Girls go to Hell by Billie Eilish

 January 26 by A.B. Original

 Nameless, Faceless by Courtney Barnett 


 If you enjoyed the show, please consider donating to 3CR and specify that your donation is for Freedom of Species – we appreciate any support!

Sunday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Animal advocacy on the airwaves, hosted by a team of local animal advocates.


The Freedom of Species Team
