Interview with Jo-Anne McArthur on HIDDEN

Sunday, 7 November 2021 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Jo-Anne McArthur and quote on Hidden

 In this episode Davita and Caroline welcome Jo-Anne McArthur to Freedom of Species. We talk about HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene, published by We Animals Media. HIDDEN is an incredible piece of work that documents our violent relationships to the non-human animals across the world. It features the work of 40 international animal photojournalists. 

 Jo also shares her journey into activism, and we talk about the solutionary stories of the Unbound Project that celebrates women at the forefront of animal advocacy worldwide. 


 Find HIDDEN here:

 Adam Oswell, Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021:

 One of the prizes for Jo's work:

 Elsie Herring in Unbound Project:

 Kiska and Cetacean captivity:

 On Save the Chimps and Ron:

 Music Played

 Eddie Vedder 'Guaranteed' -

 Dead Prez 'Be Healthy' -

 Miiesha 'Twisting Words' -



Sunday 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Animal advocacy on the airwaves, hosted by a team of local animal advocates.


The Freedom of Species Team
