On this show we play some of the speeches from The Big Pig Vigil hosted by Farm Transparency Project and held outside Diamond Valley Pork in Laverton, Victoria on October 22, 2023. The peaceful 24-hour vigil was held outside the facility, which is one of the largest pig slaughterhouses in Australia.
The speakers include: Ally Roberts (environmental and animal activist), Catriona Marshall (FTP Outreach and Social Media Coordinator), Kristy Alger (Animal Liberation Tasmania President), Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party VIC's first Member of Parliament), and Chris Delforce (FTP Founding Director) with introductions by Harley McDonald-Eckersall (FTP Strategy and Campaigns Director).
The ebook ($10USD) contains: 28 vegan recipes, an original essay by Lisa Betty, and beautiful illustrations by Brittany Loar and Fahed Abboud. 100% of the book´s profits ($7.60 after the platform's commission) will be split equally between PCRF - Palestine Children's Relief Fund https://www.pcrf.net/ and Sulala Animal Rescue https://sulalaanimalrescue.com/
Here is a excerpt from the Introduction:
“We support a free Palestine, in that we believe Palestinians have the right to return to their lands, and the right to self-determination. They are entitled to liberation from Israeli occupation, and to live free from violence…This project is also a statement of solidarity. To us, to be vegan is to resist oppression in all its forms. Choosing what and what not to eat is just one means of voicing our dissent. ... Many within our movement have made their names and fortunes by aligning themselves with veganism, but continue to stay silent in the face of horrors perpetrated against marginalised peoples".
Music played:
We played two songs by Steph Bitter - Better Days and The Straw, both from Steph's EP Playful Thoughts of a Sentimental Heart.
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The Freedom of Species Team