Dilan Fernando gives some tips that animal advocates can use from the book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. Dilan discusses how he uses these tips in his own life and in the organisation he is a part of – Animal Think Tank. This advice can help individual animal advocates and animal advocacy organisations get on top of their inbox, their tasks more generally and gain greater headspace for creative thinking as a result of no longer keeping tasks in their head.
Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen: https://gettingthingsdone.com/
Article summarising GTD: https://hamberg.no/gtd
More from Dilan and Nick on GTD: https://progressivepodcastaustralia.com/2023/02/25/289/
Animal Think Tank: https://animalthinktank.org.uk/
Freedom of Species show How AI Can Help Animal Advocacy With Kyle Behrend: https://www.3cr.org.au/freedomofspecies/episode/how-ai-can-help-animal-advocacy-kyle-behrend
Animal liberation by Los Fastidios: https://www.losfastidios.net/
Nothing gets crossed out by Bright Eyes: https://www.thisisbrighteyes.com/
Child and Yeah by Sole: https://sole.bandcamp.com/
The Freedom of Species Team