
18 Nov 2018
Pam Vardy, Penny Woodward - author and edible and useful plants expert, Dr. Chris Williams - Lecturer in Urban Horticulture, University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus, and phone interview with Karen Sutherland - "Edible Eden Design".
11 Nov 2018
Chloe Foster - Horticulturist, Greg Boldiston - Longinomous Plants, Virginia Heywood - Guide, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, and phone interview with Sarah Beaumont - owner of Eurambeen Historic Homestead and Garden.
4 Nov 2018
Pam Vardy, Loretta Childs - Landscape Designer, and Virginia Heywood - guide, Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.
28 Oct 2018
Pam Vardy, John Arnott - Manager of Horticulture, Cranbourne Botanic Gardens, Stephen Ryan - Dicksonia Rare Plants, and AB Bishop - horticulturist and author discussing her new book "Habitat", A practical guide to creating a wildlife-friendly Australian g
21 Oct 2018
Pam Vardy, Tim Sansom - Marketing Manager, Plants Management Australia, and special guests Kirsty Edwards and Pat Turnbull - "Farm Raise
14 Oct 2018
Pam Vardy, Stephen Ryan - Dicksonia Rare Plants, Virginia Heyeood - guide, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Graham Sargeant - Silkies Rose Farm, and Lucille Strachan - Growing Friends, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne.
7 Oct 2018
Pam Vardy, Chloe Foster - horticulturist, and James Beattie - Horticulturist and landscape designer
30 Sep 2018
Pam Vardy, Stephen Ryan - Dicksonia Rare Plants, and Craig Wilson - Gentiana Nursery.
23 Sep 2018
Pam Vardy, AB Bishop - author and horticulturist, Jeremy Francis - Cloudhill Garden, and Richard Austin - Australasian Native Orchid Society.
16 Sep 2018
Pam Vardy, Stephen Ryan - Dicksonia Rare Plants, Penny Woodward - author and edible plants expert, and interview with special guests Jim Fogarty - award winning landscape designer, tour leader, and garden media personality.