with Jacob Andrewartha & Meghan Street
7:00am acknowledgement of country, introduction
7:02am headline news from the United States a discussion of Donald Trump targeting of Ilhan Omar a progressive democrat congresswoman at campaign rally sparking "send her back" chants in crowd
7:13 am a recording of a speech by Laura Pidcock a UK Labor MP speaking at the annual Durham Miners Gala on the 13th of July speaking about the role of the working class and the need to stand up against capitalism.
7:20 am discussion of a article from Green Left Weekly the report on Rebecca Maher where the court finds police responsible for death but no charges laid against the police.
7:27 am news from Green Left Weekly on the international front news of cruelty towards refugees in the United States by Donald Trump's administration
7:36 am recording of a speech by Dilan Fernando co-founder of Young Voice for Animals speaking at a forum organised by Green Left Weekly and Socialist Alliance Member titled "Animal Liberation and Capitalism" via Progressive Podcasts.
7:56 am latest developments in MUA big show of support for striking MUA workers via Green Left Weekly.
8:00 am activist calendar
8:10 am interview with Greg Folles from Extinction Rebellion SEQ about the wave of actions being organised in Brisbane fighting for climate action and the heavy handed police response to dealing with protesters.
8:28 am closing of program.
Green Left Radio Collective