Politics in Israel Today || Socialist Plan for Rural and Regional Recovery

Friday, 25 June 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Featuring the latest in activist campaigns and struggles against oppression fighting for a better world with anti-capitalist analysis on current affairs and international politics. 

Presenters: Jacob Andrewartha & Zane Alcorn


Jacobin Editor Bhaskar Sunkara publishes ill informed article in the Guardian calling for nuclear power. Simon Butler issues a response at climate and capitalism - "ten reasons why climate activists should not support Nuclear power"

Building collapse in Miami; 100 people missing after 12 storey building collapses. The building was constructed in 1981. Deregulation of construction may offer an explanation; here in Australia dodgy buildings have been popping up with apartment owners left to carry the cost of expensive rectification of issues like structural defects and flammable cladding.

Minimum wage rise, reforms fail low paid and guest workers

Interviews and Discussions

Jacob and Zane speak with Sol Salby, a member of Melbourne's progressive Jewish community and grassroots activist about the recent Israeli elections. Salbe said that Israel has "weird" political dynamics and doesn't fit any molds and argues that the recent election of a hung parliament may have gotten rid of longstanding right wing prime minister Benjamin Netayahu, but the political composition of the Knesset hasn't really changed much.

You can listen to the individual interview here

Jacob and Zane speak with Elena Garcia, a farmer based near Chinchilla in Queensland, about the new 'Socialist Plan for a rural and regional covid recovery' by Socialist Alliance. Garcia, who was a co-author of the plan, says the removal of the jobseeker supplement and jobkeeper have disproportionally affected rural communities. 

Garcia explains that supermarkets have squeezed farmers by paying low prices for produce; this has forced many farmers to look for off-farm work, including in mining and gas, which are damaging to farmland. The impact of Coal Seam Gas extraction on the local economy in Chinchilla has been devastating.

The rural and regional recovery plan calls for subsidies, a revival of a 'land army' system that facilitates seasonal farm workers being taken to towns needing workers and being paid at least award wages; the nationalisation of the supermarket chains under community control; and the re-establishment of publicly owned rural banks and insurers offering cheap finance and insurance

You can listen to the individual interview here

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Radio Collective
