Cuts to the Disaster Payment || Elections in Germany

Friday, 1 October 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Featuring the latest in activist campaigns and struggles against oppression fighting for a better world with anti-capitalist analysis on current affairs and international politics. 

Presenters: Jacob Andrewartha & Arie Huybregts


Report and analysis from the presenters about the Coalition decision to end Covid disaster payments labelled ‘unconscionable’ by welfare groups.

Discussion about the lead-up to the COP26 conference drawing on Greta Thunberg’s comments ‘Blah, blah, blah’: Greta Thunberg lambasts leaders over climate crisis before moving on to critically assessing the Morrison governments role in addressing climate change drawing on Green Left article Morrison must face the music at COP26

Discussion about the Green Left article Victoria Police use of anti-riot weapons condemned.

Interviews and Discussion

Interview and discussion with Sibylle Kaczorek a socialist activist who has just recently returned to Melbourne that has been based in Germany and active with Der Linke (The Left) about the results of the German Elections that took place over September 26 and it’s political implications. You can listen to the individual interview here.


Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Radio Collective
