Featuring the latest in activist campaigns and struggles against oppression fighting for a better world with anti-capitalist analysis on current affairs and international politics.
Presenters: Jacob Andrewartha and Arie Huybregts
Discussion about the Vladimir Putin launches invasion of Ukraine and why this escalation of conflict should be condemned by all.
Newsreports from Green Left
Anti-war networks say no to war in Ukraine
Rail Union condemns NSW Government shut down
Interviews and Discussions
Interview with Sam Wainwright national co-convenor of socialist alliance about the roots of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how the conflict cannot be divorced from the relentless drive by the United States to expand NATO up to Russia’s border and to encircle it militarily. You can listen to the individual interview here.
Disclaimer: The interview was recorded on November 24 and doesn't necessarily take in account all the current developments including the invasion of Ukraine.
Interview with Richard Petkovic from World's Collide a band of 7 artists from diverse cultural backgrounds which are doing a "Global Community Tour" taking band to different parts of Australia including NSW and Victoria to build connections between communities and institutions. Richard spoke about the goals of the tour and how they hope to use it to develop cultural connections drawing on their developmental background.
You can listen to the individual interview here.
Details about their tour can be found here.
Green Left Radio Collective