Featuring the latest in activist campaigns and struggles against oppression fighting for a better world with anti-capitalist analysis on current affairs and international politics.
Presenters: Jacob Andrewartha & Chloe DS.
Headline news discussion responding to New Zealand refugee resettlement deal with Australia to happen nine years after initial agreement via ABC News and why this deal is welcome, is not good enough and we still need to continue fighting for the abolishment of mandatory detention.
News from Green Left
Second socialist elected in Moreland, after Labor property developer steps down | Green Left
Interviews and Discussions
Interview with Dick Nichols European correspondent for Green Left in barcelona, spain spoke to Green Left Radio presenters about the different left-wing perspectives being put forward in Europe in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, addressing the issues of millitarism, nato expanionsion and the best way to defend and stand in solidarity with those in Ukraine resisting invasion. You can listen to the individual interview here.
Interview with Joshua Tavares a resident at the public housing estate within Collingwood about the campaign to stop the destruction of green open space as a result of the State Government's planned construction of two new apartment blocks whose impacts will mean the removal of green space for the residents. You can listen to the individual interview here. Sign the petition opposing the destruction here: https://www.change.org/p/save-collingwood-green-space.
Interview with Nina Sanadze a Melbourne-based artist born in Georgia (former USSR) about her dramatic sculpture styled after a World-War 2-era soviet mounment titled "Call to Peace" that is being displayed on the corner of Clarendon and Conventry Streets in South Melbourne intending to promote the message of Peace whilst being conceptualised as a space for members of the community to gather.
Sanadze spoke about some of the artistic and political influences that inspired the construction of her work including her own lived experience of growing up within the Soviet Union. You can listen to her individual interview here.
Green Left Radio Collective